Sunday, 26 June 2011

A nice wee walk round Newcastle on Sunday

Hi Guys,

Me and the big man are goin for a great big walk today to see some cool stuff. But first, here's some more pictures of the bridge. Can you tell me whit colours the bridge is today ?

Me and the big man are goin for a great big walk the day. But we have tae go up a really steep hill first. I think we're goin tae look for the big bridge, but it's really high from the ground. So that means we'll hae tae climb up hunners o hills. Do you think I can manage to climb all the way to the big bridge ?

When we were walkin up the big hill, we saw sumthin well strange. Somebody had put a great big egg in the middle of the street !! Imagine that, an egg in the street ! I was well amazed ! The big man had tae take a picture o it tae show yez..

I got a photie too. Look !!

That was the best thing ever. I hid tae stop the Big Man tryin tae eat the egg in the street. Man, he eats hunners o eggs. What a pure Daftie !! Later oan, we walked through a nice place with hunners o flowers and heaps o trees. That was a good time for a break, so we had a wee rest and a drink o water. Here's me relaxin in the flowery place..
After that, we found a really old castle that was made hunners of years ago. It's even older than Grandad Nicol  haha. This was made so that the people of Newcastle were kept safe fae the baddies. The good soldiors lived in the castle on the top of the hill, and I think they had to climb the hill every day !! No way man !! That wid pure make me tired. You can see how old the castle is, because it's falling down..
We then walked on a bit, and there it wis. The big bridge !! It was well big when we were up close..
The big man took a picture of me on the bridge. Do you see how high up we are ?, but I wisnae scared coz the Big Man held my hand. We had to walk to the other side of the bridge to cross over, and it took ages because the bridge was soo busy with cars and lorries. There are a lot of cars in Newcastle..

Eventually, we got to the other side and we then found the great big glass greenhouse. It's massive !! Except, it's no a greenhoose, but it's a place where people go to see other people sing nice songs. And it's got a bit that children, like Bernadette and Jonathan, can paint in. Wow !! Do you remember the picture of the greenhouse from ma earlier blog ?

And here's one of the big bridge AND the big greenhoose..

Then we crossed back over another bridge, and there was a wee market on. There was a man there, and he had a pure brilliant van. It's no a van like Daddy's Merc, but it was a funny silver colour. Daddy said to the man that his van was awesome, and the man agreed. Whit do you think o the funny van ?

Daddy wishes that he had this instead o the Merc van coz it's brilliant !!
Thta's it for the day guys. It's very warm doon here in the Newcastle, so I'm off for a drink o cool milk, and the big man's gonnie hae a nice cold beer. Night night guys, and I'll speak tae yez later.


Ginger the cat


Friday, 24 June 2011


Hi guys,

Wait till ye's see this. De ye's remember the bridge that I wis talkin aboot, the one that changes colour ? Well, me and the big man we're takin a few photies the other night when it was dark, and we saw this..

Look at the brilliant colours guys ! It changes all the time, so I'll have to take another picture when it changes. What other colours do you think it turns into ?

It's been very rainy down here in the Newcastle guys, so I havn't been out too much. The big man's been in the classroom for all of the days, so I've been looking after the hoose. But guess whit !! The big man let me cook his dinner this evenin !! Brilliant. Dae ye want to see some pics o me cookin in the kitchen ?

Before ah started, the big man said "TIME FOR COFFEE !!" So here's me hain a big cup o coffee afore I started tae cook ! Coffee's magic, coz it gives ye loads o energy. Braw !! Here we go, time tae cook. First we have tae add the oil tae the pan..

Next, comes the turkey. I've got tae stirr it all aboot or it'll stick and burn !! Nae braw..

I hid tae put somthin else in after the turkey. Can you see whit I've put in the pan guys ?

I cooked a tattie and a tree, then it was ready for the big man tae eat it all up. But while he was makin a drink, I had a bit o his tattie. It was well yummy !! Noo I'm a big fat cat and I've had enough food. I dinnie even hae room for a treat !

The big man loved his dinner, so I got a big hug fae him. Awwww.. He's a wee bit spikey though, so I think he needs tae cut doon his beard a bit...

Tomorrow guys, I'm goin tae the gym with the big man !! Yeahh. I'm goin tae do some extacises and do the weights too. I'll get the big man tae take some pics o me doin the weights, and I'll speak tae ye's the morra.

Lots o' love

Ginger xx

Saturday, 18 June 2011

I've slept for two days man !!

Mornin weans and mummy !! Yu'll never guess. I've been sleeping fur two whole days ! That's mair than O' Mally sleeps !!The big man went tae work and everythin, but i wis well knackered so I stayed in the cosy bed ! I had so much room coz I wis in the bed all by maself. It was wicked man ! I had a really good day once I got up, becuase the big man took me to the classroom for grown ups.

I had a great time in the grown up classroom, but I didnae really understand what the teacher wis talkin aboot. The big man asked the teacher if I could teach the class for a while, so I did..

I even got to have a wee shot on the teachers laptop, so I went on and read Monkey's blog. It looks like him and the weans are havin a braw time in Castletoon ! I didnae really know whit tae say to the class, so I read them all the blog. They thought it was top, and I even got a big roond o' applause for sharin Monkey's adventures. Ace man !! Aw, these Newcastlers pure love me by the way :-) They liked me that much, I was even given a bit o paper so that I caould do some drawin !!

We got home after the classes, and went for a wee walk doon by the river. I saw pure hunners o stuff like boats, a big glass greenhoose, and a massive bridge. The pavement was well busy with people takin photies, so the big man took a few of me..

I was pretty tired after all the poties, so the big man took me back home and tucked me up in bed. I really fancied listnin tae some tunes though, so the big man let me listen tae some in bed !! He's well nice tae me isnt he..

OK guys, thats me off for a snoozie now. Speak tae yez later. xxxx

Thursday, 16 June 2011

We're on the road man !!

Here we go man !! This is me, the pure ginger cat off tae Newcastle wi the Big Man ! I'm gonnie hae a brilliant time. Here's me aw strapped up safely in the motor and all that. The Big Man's got a fair big drive tae Englandshire, but I'm gonnae keep him company and that. Check me oot..

Had a great time in the motor. The Big Man got pure lost in the City by the way. What a daftie . He found the place eventually, and we had to drive into a pure scary dungeon to park the motor. I was well scared, but the Big Man took me out of the motor and up the the flat. Wow !! It's well smart. The Big Man watched the racing cars and had a wee beer, and he gave me a sip of it too. Look !!

The racing cars were on the telly really late, so I got to stay up past ma bedtime ! That was brilliant ! I even got tae sit on the windae sill for a while, just like a real cat does ! I was pure lookin at the bridge in the photie, because it changes colour ! Imagine that, a bridge changin colour ! I've never seen that before...
 Man, I'm lovin this place..

We were in the car for such a long time today, so I had tae go tae bed. I was pure knackered, but the bed was well cosy and comfy. There's hunners a room in the bed, coz it's just the big man and me in it. For 6 whole weeks !! Mental !! Here's a pic o me gettin comfy for the night..

Speak tae yeez the morra :-)