Me and the big man are goin for a great big walk today to see some cool stuff. But first, here's some more pictures of the bridge. Can you tell me whit colours the bridge is today ?
Me and the big man are goin for a great big walk the day. But we have tae go up a really steep hill first. I think we're goin tae look for the big bridge, but it's really high from the ground. So that means we'll hae tae climb up hunners o hills. Do you think I can manage to climb all the way to the big bridge ?
I got a photie too. Look !!
That was the best thing ever. I hid tae stop the Big Man tryin tae eat the egg in the street. Man, he eats hunners o eggs. What a pure Daftie !! Later oan, we walked through a nice place with hunners o flowers and heaps o trees. That was a good time for a break, so we had a wee rest and a drink o water. Here's me relaxin in the flowery place..
After that, we found a really old castle that was made hunners of years ago. It's even older than Grandad Nicol haha. This was made so that the people of Newcastle were kept safe fae the baddies. The good soldiors lived in the castle on the top of the hill, and I think they had to climb the hill every day !! No way man !! That wid pure make me tired. You can see how old the castle is, because it's falling down..
We then walked on a bit, and there it wis. The big bridge !! It was well big when we were up close..
The big man took a picture of me on the bridge. Do you see how high up we are ?, but I wisnae scared coz the Big Man held my hand. We had to walk to the other side of the bridge to cross over, and it took ages because the bridge was soo busy with cars and lorries. There are a lot of cars in Newcastle..
Eventually, we got to the other side and we then found the great big glass greenhouse. It's massive !! Except, it's no a greenhoose, but it's a place where people go to see other people sing nice songs. And it's got a bit that children, like Bernadette and Jonathan, can paint in. Wow !! Do you remember the picture of the greenhouse from ma earlier blog ?
Then we crossed back over another bridge, and there was a wee market on. There was a man there, and he had a pure brilliant van. It's no a van like Daddy's Merc, but it was a funny silver colour. Daddy said to the man that his van was awesome, and the man agreed. Whit do you think o the funny van ?
Daddy wishes that he had this instead o the Merc van coz it's brilliant !! Thta's it for the day guys. It's very warm doon here in the Newcastle, so I'm off for a drink o cool milk, and the big man's gonnie hae a nice cold beer. Night night guys, and I'll speak tae yez later.
Ginger the cat